Who's this guy?

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Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
It's the story about the steriotypical struggle of a slightly dense yet dashing, young college student and the day by day trials that come with being a slightly dense yet dashing college student. Full of excitment, drama, and a hobo named Ernie. Each day new surprises that only such a tale can bring, tune in for new updates every week, or month....or whenever. So why am I now entering the wonderful world of blogging? I don't really have much to say. Im not overly opinionated, political minded or preachy. I'm just a big advocate for journal writing and keeping good memories in a place you can find them. Unfortunatly I'm also very lazy so I need to do it in a way that keeps my attention. I figure that telling my thoughts and experiences to the world every once in a while might just do the trick. That's all you need to know so don't expect too much from me, just enough.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Haters Gonna Hate

             It's finally finals week so like clockwork I am forced into inappropriate procrastination of sorts. As always I try to subject my mind to tireless study of terms, equations, and concepts so it repays me by sending me on tangential journeys. Once again it has forced me to look at the world and over analyze its weirdness. No offence world but you're a weirdo. One of those counter intuitive realizations I have once again realized is just how  much people love to hate things. See- LOVE to HATE- its a paradox. People don't always complain or criticize because they're venting their frustrations but they complain and criticize because they genuinely enjoy it.

             Common enemies easily inspire people at odds to be oddly chummy. Every day I hear students excitedly complain about their classes like it is their favorite thing to talk about and somewhat related to that my roommates and I have developed an obsession with watching and sarcastically endorsing horribly low budget films on the Scifi channel. No sooner had the semester started when a monster movie marathon blessed us with film after film of the worst acting and special effects that (not enough) money can buy. Sure, a blockbuster giant like The Avengers can bring in 18.7 million opening night but only the premier of the cheesiest of Scifi original movies can set twitter ablaze with a record 5000 tweets per minute.

            I'm happy to say I got to take part in the premier of "Sharknado", the gripping tale of a bold coastal cyclone which with a hypothetical heart full of malice picked up some rather dangerous sea life and rained them down on some washed out actors who hadn't been in front of a camera for a while. It was everything you could ask for in a natural disaster, that is of course if you were asking too much. Knowing that this would be the defining moment of our semester we made an event of it and were not disappointed. I've never enjoyed hating something so much. Our seemingly unquenchable thirst to be overly critical and facetious was effectively satisfied.


          So why do haters gotta hate? You could use the classic cop out that it makes us feel better about ourselves but I don't think that adequately describes why. I prefer to think that there are other reasons to be mean other than to be malicious. We're not all self conscious trailer park bullies after all. It's common practice to give a friend a hard time just because and I feel sometimes we ooze sarcasm as a strange form of proof that we are content despite imperfect circumstances. We tell an obvious lie to prove our desire to be truthful, we sarcastically tell someone we despise them to let them know we enjoy having them around or we declare how much we love a movie to emphasize how silly it is. Sometimes we do things that are so ridiculously far outside of our personality and against our character that the fact we're doing it is laughable and therefore enjoyable. How else do you explain 'bronies'.

         Enjoyment is a complicated thing when sarcasm is mixed in and I'm tired of thinking about it so on a somewhat more positive note here are some things I love to love.

Saw our next door neighbors building this to take to the lake. They were giving the Shelbourne apartments a good name so we went to go see how well it would float/ if they'd biff it on a jump.

 They didn't make it very far.

           I made a new friend yesterday, his names Morty. I saw him staring at me as I was hustling to class and was curious to see if he was still there after I was done. I whistled for him and obediently he came to greet me getting as close as he could while still remaining out of arms reach. I vented my frustrations to him for a couple minutes and he listened intently. After I felt better I said goodbye but not before telling him to climb another tree and pose for some pictures. He's very photogenic.
Tyrel, Gray and Brad have their girlfriends to complain to so I figured I could have a squirrel friend to complain to. Helps me forget about the death of our hypothetical sugar glider Geraldo.

         I went to photographize some roomies jump off a bridge. Kent has done it three more times since. Why jump off a bridge? Cause everybodies doing it.

       We accidentally started a tradition of having Tyrel photo-bombs whenever we're at a public gathering or unique place. We have quite the collection now.

         Our physics class was going to have a final exam buuuuut then we had a picnic instead. We also got to break a cinder block with a sledge hammer on top of a guy laying on a bed of nails. Physics is aight.

Love to hate, love to love, just don't hate to love cause then no one will like you you depressing loser.