1. Build up your fortress: You need to edify your home base so that nothing can break through no matter how many hands are pawing the fences. Home can be a place of peace if no evil can get inside. If you have everything you need then you have it made in the shade even when things are looking bleak outside.
2. Don't underestimate your enemy: They look slow and stupid but if you are carless then you probably won't make it out alive. One problem or mistake does't seem so bad until they add up and before you know it there is a hord too big to maneuver around and your traped.
3. Weapons and company: When you are forced to leave your safe haven don't go alone and bring protection. When you're out in a world of chaos it pays to have support from others. Take care of those around you and approach hardships collectively with the group in mind. You work off of each other and have the protection you need to keep yourself safe from the problems surrounding you.The hypothetical shotgun of knowledge and determination.
4. Don't linger in quarentine zones: Don't be that stupid character that the audience is constantly screaming at to not go down that alley or entertain your curiosity. They always get infected or ripped to shreds. If there is a threat run from it. Never willingly put yourself into a bad situation to conquer it if you don't have to.
5. If someone is infected get it delt with: When a friend or family member is going off the deep end don't wait around passively until they infect you too. Being locked in a room with bad company is never a good idea, fix them or don't let them influence you.
6. Survive: There's no reason to give up just because things are ridiculously dificult. This life is hard but as long as your smart and have the right resources you'll be fine. The depressed people always go crazy so you might as well keep a smile on your face while your taking part in this once in a lifetime opportunity. There are zombies to slaughter.
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