Who's this guy?

My photo
Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
It's the story about the steriotypical struggle of a slightly dense yet dashing, young college student and the day by day trials that come with being a slightly dense yet dashing college student. Full of excitment, drama, and a hobo named Ernie. Each day new surprises that only such a tale can bring, tune in for new updates every week, or month....or whenever. So why am I now entering the wonderful world of blogging? I don't really have much to say. Im not overly opinionated, political minded or preachy. I'm just a big advocate for journal writing and keeping good memories in a place you can find them. Unfortunatly I'm also very lazy so I need to do it in a way that keeps my attention. I figure that telling my thoughts and experiences to the world every once in a while might just do the trick. That's all you need to know so don't expect too much from me, just enough.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The book of faces

It's funny how somethings that are intended for a certain purpose can produce the the opposite effect. Most everyone who has a facebook created it in order to connect with hundreds, sometimes thousands of friends.  They hope to keep in touch with those who are not with in close proximity and to be able to keep good relationships with people in any situation. They try and expand their social life to a degree that would be impossible without the assistance of such technology but instead of being able to spend time with a throng of people we begin to have a more exculsive relationship with one "person". Our mindset switches from "I need to share that with Tom." or "Sharron would like this picture." to "Facebook told me the funniest thing the other day." or "I need to let facebook know about this restaurant." Specific interest or personal attention becomes generalized to the masses. IMing and writing on someones wall are interactions that are personal but most of the things we utilize the social networks for are taylored to appeal to a very broad audiance and our intention to maintain good relationships ironically collapses. Intention can shape responsability or goals and reshaped responsability and goals can alter original Intention. Why is this important? Its not. Much like how you expected facebook to keep you connected with people on a personal level and it instead curb stomped your paradigm you may have expected to get something profound and live changing from this post but you didn't. I hope you learned your lesson.

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