Before we get to the meat though there are other things I don't like about my job other than the lack of pay. One is that I'm too nice of a guy. If I can give a discount to someone I will because people have problems and I don't want to be one of those problems. If I can help them I will which means I make less money off of them and the company gets perturbed at me. I can't please everyone. Also tax preparation takes the term 'sedentary lifestyle' to a new level. Never have I looked myself in the eye (in a mirror of course, how else does one look themselves in the eye) and had to say "Look, if you don't find some form of physical activity you are going to fall apart". I have to work out in the mornings just to balance out the colossal amount of nothing that I do at work. Exaggerating? Me? Never. At least not in this case.The best stories are always the ones that don't need embellishments. No ketchup necessary on this chicken.
You're probably asking yourself "Jace, why don't you just quit and go name street signs like you want?" to which I would point out that it's weird that you are asking yourself a question but addressing me. Unless your name is in fact Jace and my current train of thought has reminded you that you share my plight inspiring you to ask yourself (Jace) why you work where you do.
No worries other Jace, I got you all figured out and am sympathetic to your quandary. I have also formulated an explanation for why this is the case. You're welcome.

Holidays inspire certain traditions that are expected because of the date and not because of sober reasoning. So to celebrate like I should I decided that when I closed up around 9 I would go see a romantic comedy and take my work to the theater with me (I didn't take any social security numbers in case you were worried. Just some work related forms and study materials). I went to see Warm Bodies as it is the only romantic comedy that wouldn't be too weird to see by myself. A movie with zombies can't completely destroy a guys mojo and is strangely festive.
At the end of it all I feel that I have successfully felt what many others have to put up with if they too are in a bad relationship on Hallmark day. It isn't pleasant and would be more so if I was one of those unfortunate souls who are 'married to their work' (if you know what I mean). I couldn't do this job for the rest of my life and stay sane so after all is said and done invest your time where it is well spent.
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