Who's this guy?

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Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
It's the story about the steriotypical struggle of a slightly dense yet dashing, young college student and the day by day trials that come with being a slightly dense yet dashing college student. Full of excitment, drama, and a hobo named Ernie. Each day new surprises that only such a tale can bring, tune in for new updates every week, or month....or whenever. So why am I now entering the wonderful world of blogging? I don't really have much to say. Im not overly opinionated, political minded or preachy. I'm just a big advocate for journal writing and keeping good memories in a place you can find them. Unfortunatly I'm also very lazy so I need to do it in a way that keeps my attention. I figure that telling my thoughts and experiences to the world every once in a while might just do the trick. That's all you need to know so don't expect too much from me, just enough.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Good Conversation #2

         This weekend much of my family took a trip north to see my stud of a cousin Conner before he leaves for the Philippians. Work had me stuck at home so I had the whole house to myself. Cases like these often inspire my Mother to make a slew of leftovers, more than I could possibly eat before they get back, and my brother to invite me over to his place for dinner. Evidence that my family thinks I'm incapable of feeding myself without their help. I'd like to say the months I survived up at college would discredit this assumption but then I am reminded of how many times I had friends make me dinner during the semester and my survival skills are again called into question.

       Whilst being fed at a ward activity and then again at my brothers house I conversed with one of my friends who often fed me up at college about a great many things. Among the many topics of conversation including poetry and my nephew's dislike of wearing clothes I mentioned that we were eating 'Aebleskivers'. Wanting the conversation to head in a more obnoxious direction eventually I decided to pretend I was tripping on Psychotropic drugs. Her analysis of my responses are quite humorous but they make me wonder what my friends would do if I ever were legitimately going on a hallucinogenic induced adventure. I think they'd sooner take me to Walmart with a video camera than the hospital. That's what friends are for I guess.

This is the conversation that followed:

Her:  For dinner? Awesome:) ehhhh... Whats an aebleskiver??
Me:  It's like a pancake ball.
Her:  Bahahaha that's legit :] do you inject them with butter and syrup?
Me:  Ha tweeker pancakes. No, no needles. We do what we can for them when they have an injection problem.
Her:  Hahaha gotcha :) poor little pancakes :/
Me:  Its hard for me to have empathy for pancakes though.
Her:  Explain?
Me:  Explain why I don't have empathy for pancakes?
Her:  Yessuh :)
Me:  Well... because I eat them.
Her:  Oh. You..eat..the..poor..pancakes?
Me:  I have a problem.
Her:  Mmm hmmm. And it sounds like a personal problem. You might want to get that checked..
Me:  How should I do that?
Her:  Clinical therapy?
Me:  Self-medication?
Her:  Nahh that's too risky..
Me:  Too late. I've already started.
Her:  Nooooo! Don't do it Jace! The consequences aren't worth the temporary release!
Me:  -Hsjk.mgfjs.saf....wu-
Her:  JACE!!!!
Me:  Goldfish!
Her:  In front of you or to the side?
Me:  Its hard to tell. I think I'm upside down. It's purple its all purple!
Her:  Pull yourself together man! Now focus... Lavender or magenta?
Me:  Donovan is here I need to kill him with solitaire!
Her:  You can't kill people with solitaire! Especially people called Donovan  I feel as though you are slipping from reality... Quick! How many fingers am I holding up!?
Me:  Fingers! Yes I have fingers! Where does the cold air come from? I need the left shoe!
Her:  Not the left shoe! That's defiantly not a good sign.. Now I'm really starting to worry about you :/ how will we be poet accomplices if you lose your marbles??
Me:  Most artists lose their marbles.
Her:  True dat. But the real dalema is if the artist will ever gain his marbles back..O.o
Me:  No they never really do sorry.
Her:  Darn :/
Me:  Goldfish!
Her:  Pug the blowfish! :O
Me:  Who told you that, Abraham Lincoln? He is everywhere! Get out of my pocket Abraham!
Her:  Abraham's in your pocket?? Where did you get one of those? I want one...
Me:  No you don't . He likes to throw frozen pizza and wears a flamingo.
Her:  A flamingo? How does he accomplish that whilst throwing frozen pizza?
Me:  Yes. Can I have all your money?
Her:  That don't make no sense. BUT, if you can find it, yes you can have it all.
Me:  Are you a stapler? You sound like a stapler.

         It went on like that for a little while. Amazing how long she could put up with my nonsense. It's nice to have friends with that kind of endurance.

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