It wasn't long before Korbin and company got bored of talking with the 'big kids' and began serenading other girls in the complex with a ukulele. Bradford and I decided to tag along and were stuck with the very important jobs of recounting the up and coming band's previous exploits and rolling our eyes during their performances. From this we reaped the benefit of having food offered to us (and/or thrown at us) by the victims that crossed the group's path.
We were shortly thereafter lured to another complex when an unknown number began texting one of the visiting backup singers. When we arrived at the door of those beckoning we found it blockaded by a couple being all romantic and what not. Instead of putting ourselves in an awkward position by approaching them we instead made it awkward for the rest of them by telling the keeper of the unknown number that we were standing right outside the door waiting. Instead of finding us the girls interrupted the couple scaring them half to death. During the embarrassing turn of events we sneaked up behind them, began playing the ukulele and scared them the rest of the way to death. Unfortunate for them, I almost feel bad.
We were invited in and after the usual routine stayed to play some games and hear the girls tell creeper stories. It was getting late so we left and decided to hit one more apartment before we left. The door to their next door neighbors was open so Korbin wondered in and when all was said and done they invited us to dinner the next day. We can always make room for free food so we went of course.
Earlier that day we heard about several different parties that would be happening when darkness fell. Most of the group went to a block party while I thought a fancy mock-tale party would be more my style as the party advertised that it was to be "the classiest night ever recorded since Sean Connery and Frank Sinatra went to a fancy restaurant with Princess Diana and Audrey Hepburn". It did not disappoint and even I was mistaken for a super classy fellow with a cane instead of a well dressed invalid with a walking aid. Never have so many dashing people brought so much panache to a single location. The swank was so heavily concentrated it was hard not to use words like unfathomable and indubitably. The party eventually came to a close and I finished the night by watching Undercover Blues with some agreeable company.
After experiencing an overwhelming amount of classiness Friday night I felt the need to bring things back into balance and prove that I am a well rounded person I went to watch a demolition derby and made it home in time for the BYU/Utah game to prove that I can be a redneck too. In both cases I discovered just how rowdy my roommates can be.
Its fantastic that you can have just as much fun in a suit as you can covered in mud and pieces of an old El Camino. Yes. Sometimes I do things.

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