Annnnnywaaaaay- my trying to sleep in a high traffic area while exhausted lead to a confusing conversation with my dad in the early morning.
I haven't had good reports of my night-time adventures since my time in Weatherford, Texas when my roomy was a light sleeper and we were frequently apartment hopping. I generally only do stuff in my sleep when I'm abnormally tired and sleeping in different locations constantly. Our fickle circumstance lead to a routine report of my dealings each and every morning. Most reports would recount a similar dialogue which began with me sitting up and desperately trying to get Elder Cardon's attention followed but some exclamation related to food. For example:
The Cardster- Ya?
The Cardster- What?
Me- I've got a banana cream pie here, and man that's a lot of cream!
The Cardster- Go back to sleep Ewing.
Me- Ya alright--
Why? I don't have an answer for you. What I do know is that I cheated the poor guy out of a good night sleep often enough to leave me feeling like I owe him something. He seemed to enjoy it the first few times but shortly after he began to look at me the same why I look at Gustov, my satanic alarm clock. The alarm that somehow trained me to wake up seconds before the set time so I could narrowly avoid ungodly punishment. It's demonic chirping could wake the dead. No question that alarm is at the top of my list of least favorite noises (right above the voice of Death himself). Gustov I hate you!
All in all I have come to the realization that I miss knowing what I do when I'm unconscious as it makes for a good morning discussion but I'm glad I'm no longer the cause of torment for those unfortunate enough to be stuck in the same room with me during my episodes. I apologize in advance. I also empathize for those tormented by demon alarm clocks. Please continue to retain your sanity.

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