All this time I thought I was the master exercising control over my blog to convenience my life when really the blog was in control. I am but a pawn hastily obeying its every whim. When it commands me to write I write. So thus is my lot in life I guess.
Not really but I have noticed a difference in the way I think and retain information. When I look at things now it is in a way that is easily converted into a writing segment. When I don't write it down I get flustered with all of the different topics and can't concentrate, while on the other hand if I do write and can throw the thought over my shoulder and not worry about it anymore. This makes room for more things and serves as an outlet for my over active brain to reboot.

-The first is music. When I have a multitude of random thoughts that I don't care for listening to music serves as a distraction to get rid of them. I can focus on the music and nothing else giving me a fresh start.
-The second is drawing or other forms of artwork. It doesn't have to be a specific thought in this case. Most of the time it is more of a build up of feelings than concepts. What ever I am feeling I can put into what I drawing to get rid of it.
-Third is writing. This is when ideas are more specific and meaningful. The only way to get my mind off of an idea is to put it into words as best I can so I no longer need it up there taking up space. This way it makes more sense to me and is easily accessible.
-Lastly is film. This is when an idea is to big to be expressed on paper and generally isn't as meaningful. It involves doing something more than thinking something. In this case I have never liked doing abnormal things without documenting my experiences so I can recall them when I need them. If I don't have evidence its like it never happened and when I do have evidence I officially did that thing and I never need to do it again.
Outlets are important for many different reasons, not just to unclutter our minds. We constantly need to get something out of our system. This is normal. Not having anywhere for that energy to go is unhealthy. The only thing that we need to worry about is whether or not our chosen outlets are effective and positive. Outlets should never abuse us or those around us. Remember kids arson is rarely the answer.
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