Who's this guy?
- Jace Ewing
- Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
- It's the story about the steriotypical struggle of a slightly dense yet dashing, young college student and the day by day trials that come with being a slightly dense yet dashing college student. Full of excitment, drama, and a hobo named Ernie. Each day new surprises that only such a tale can bring, tune in for new updates every week, or month....or whenever. So why am I now entering the wonderful world of blogging? I don't really have much to say. Im not overly opinionated, political minded or preachy. I'm just a big advocate for journal writing and keeping good memories in a place you can find them. Unfortunatly I'm also very lazy so I need to do it in a way that keeps my attention. I figure that telling my thoughts and experiences to the world every once in a while might just do the trick. That's all you need to know so don't expect too much from me, just enough.
Monday, January 30, 2012
I have nothing to report- but I'll do it anyway
As I sat down to write I was reminded once again that when you spend an entire week doing nothing eventful then nothing eventful happens. It is because of my lack of achievement that I have nothing of consequence to say or report so lets see if I have anything that isn't of consequence. Only one good thing can come from sleeping in other than being able to eat breakfast at one in the afternoon which is it is easier to remember my dreams. Usually when my wretched alarm violently rips me out of a deep sleep with the most unpleasant sound in the world my mind is to shaken to hold onto the dream and it is lost. Yesterday I was able to recall my dream and this is what happened:
After trying to enjoy a meal in a quaint, busy cafe with some intolerable company we were informed of an emanate zombie attack. Most scattered but some of us went down to the basement to set up defenses. Unfortunately the building we had to defend was weak sauce. All I had was a pocket knife and there wasn't much material to use for barricades. The funny thing was we never saw one zombie throughout the entire dream, The only thing exciting that happened was when we got attacked by marauders trying to steal our stuff and take over our barracks. This frustrated us to no end and I woke up angry. As I am weird I needed to find a moral in my endeavor.
The moral of the dream is you never know what the true threat will be, sometimes the people are worse than the zombies so be ever vigilant. We can't afford to be weakened by the unexpected.
The moral of the Blog is if your zombie dreams are the only place you can find meaning during the week maybe you should change out of your pajamas and reevaluate how you spend your time.
To make up for my laziness here are some random oddities I made for you guys. Stay excellent.
Monday, January 23, 2012
I had thought that unleashing the overproduction of unnecessary mental buildup in my brain in one 10 minute video catharsis would clean things out for a while and allow me to apply my mind in other more important areas of my life. Much like when a kindergarten teacher allows children to have time at the beginning of class to 'let all of the heebie jeebies out' it didn't lead to the desired calm but instead raised the potential for chaos. Don't worry I won't burn any buildings down, I'll just forfeit the time off from blogging that I was hoping to take and keep emptying my thoughts out to keep things under control. It feels nice to get it all out in writing and not have it cluttering my mind anymore.
All this time I thought I was the master exercising control over my blog to convenience my life when really the blog was in control. I am but a pawn hastily obeying its every whim. When it commands me to write I write. So thus is my lot in life I guess.
Not really but I have noticed a difference in the way I think and retain information. When I look at things now it is in a way that is easily converted into a writing segment. When I don't write it down I get flustered with all of the different topics and can't concentrate, while on the other hand if I do write and can throw the thought over my shoulder and not worry about it anymore. This makes room for more things and serves as an outlet for my over active brain to reboot.
Personally I have four outlets that I find myself utilizing.
-The first is music. When I have a multitude of random thoughts that I don't care for listening to music serves as a distraction to get rid of them. I can focus on the music and nothing else giving me a fresh start.
-The second is drawing or other forms of artwork. It doesn't have to be a specific thought in this case. Most of the time it is more of a build up of feelings than concepts. What ever I am feeling I can put into what I drawing to get rid of it.
-Third is writing. This is when ideas are more specific and meaningful. The only way to get my mind off of an idea is to put it into words as best I can so I no longer need it up there taking up space. This way it makes more sense to me and is easily accessible.
-Lastly is film. This is when an idea is to big to be expressed on paper and generally isn't as meaningful. It involves doing something more than thinking something. In this case I have never liked doing abnormal things without documenting my experiences so I can recall them when I need them. If I don't have evidence its like it never happened and when I do have evidence I officially did that thing and I never need to do it again.
Outlets are important for many different reasons, not just to unclutter our minds. We constantly need to get something out of our system. This is normal. Not having anywhere for that energy to go is unhealthy. The only thing that we need to worry about is whether or not our chosen outlets are effective and positive. Outlets should never abuse us or those around us. Remember kids arson is rarely the answer.
All this time I thought I was the master exercising control over my blog to convenience my life when really the blog was in control. I am but a pawn hastily obeying its every whim. When it commands me to write I write. So thus is my lot in life I guess.
Not really but I have noticed a difference in the way I think and retain information. When I look at things now it is in a way that is easily converted into a writing segment. When I don't write it down I get flustered with all of the different topics and can't concentrate, while on the other hand if I do write and can throw the thought over my shoulder and not worry about it anymore. This makes room for more things and serves as an outlet for my over active brain to reboot.

-The first is music. When I have a multitude of random thoughts that I don't care for listening to music serves as a distraction to get rid of them. I can focus on the music and nothing else giving me a fresh start.
-The second is drawing or other forms of artwork. It doesn't have to be a specific thought in this case. Most of the time it is more of a build up of feelings than concepts. What ever I am feeling I can put into what I drawing to get rid of it.
-Third is writing. This is when ideas are more specific and meaningful. The only way to get my mind off of an idea is to put it into words as best I can so I no longer need it up there taking up space. This way it makes more sense to me and is easily accessible.
-Lastly is film. This is when an idea is to big to be expressed on paper and generally isn't as meaningful. It involves doing something more than thinking something. In this case I have never liked doing abnormal things without documenting my experiences so I can recall them when I need them. If I don't have evidence its like it never happened and when I do have evidence I officially did that thing and I never need to do it again.
Outlets are important for many different reasons, not just to unclutter our minds. We constantly need to get something out of our system. This is normal. Not having anywhere for that energy to go is unhealthy. The only thing that we need to worry about is whether or not our chosen outlets are effective and positive. Outlets should never abuse us or those around us. Remember kids arson is rarely the answer.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Friday the 13th: Cellphone massacre
If you have 10 extra minutes and don't know how to waste them I offer you my services.
May your time be wasted effectively. Paradox.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Imperfect practice makes imperfect
I commented in a post about practice making perfect even if it means practicing smashing your thumb with a hammer during construction projects. My dad and I spent all day yesterday finishing up a shed he wanted to build for the back yard so I had many opportunities to hurt myself, but we survived and the shed turned out more than satisfactory. The practice wasn't intentional as I'm not a masochist but to my dismay I did see myself improving over time until my thumb was very unhappy with me. It still isn't happy.
The thought that occurred to me during this project was how most of the time practicing doesn't have to be constructive or even intentional. In fact time=practice period. every moment of every day we are practicing something whether it's exercising, conversing or even just being lazy. Even practices of omission are still practicing something. The more we do anything the more it becomes a part of us and the more we avoid doing something the more we lose that ability and dedicate our time to something else. All time lived goes toward something and whether or not we find contentment with ourselves at the end of the day depends on if we like what we did with our time.
It is not surprising that we are warned not to waste time but to carefully manage and make the most of it. The happiest people are busy people, not just busy but busy with things that improve who they are. When it comes to my vices idleness is a beast. Why am I so good at finding distractions for myself? Because I've had a lot of practice. Do I feel content with my talent? Not really. Some practice is great, some it alright and some is completely detrimental. Just ask my thumb.
The thought that occurred to me during this project was how most of the time practicing doesn't have to be constructive or even intentional. In fact time=practice period. every moment of every day we are practicing something whether it's exercising, conversing or even just being lazy. Even practices of omission are still practicing something. The more we do anything the more it becomes a part of us and the more we avoid doing something the more we lose that ability and dedicate our time to something else. All time lived goes toward something and whether or not we find contentment with ourselves at the end of the day depends on if we like what we did with our time.
It is not surprising that we are warned not to waste time but to carefully manage and make the most of it. The happiest people are busy people, not just busy but busy with things that improve who they are. When it comes to my vices idleness is a beast. Why am I so good at finding distractions for myself? Because I've had a lot of practice. Do I feel content with my talent? Not really. Some practice is great, some it alright and some is completely detrimental. Just ask my thumb.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
The list of Buckets
I just got back from an epic new years eve party so naturally I will talk about new years. Surprise. For this entry I decided to tell you the greatest thing I did this year and the greatest thing I plan on doing next year. Greatest might be over exaggerating a little but here are some things of importance, semi-great things. It is officially 2012, the year the world ends (or at least that will be our excuse to do some awesome things this year). This is the time to check some things off the bucket list even if its just for fun. We have to do it eventually right. There is a problem however: I don't have an official bucket list. Most of the abnormal things that I do are on impulse and I have a hard time planing out things of grandeur well in advance and then doing them. This thing I must do.
Checks on a bucket list help us feel fulfilled. Each check mark whispers evidence of your uniqueness and accomplishments. Of course the year the world ends is not the only thing this week that has reminded me of my need for a bucket list, playing that Skyrim video game has yielded similar results. Not only has my character saved innocent people from being torched by dragons, become the leader of several mythical organizations, rescued villages from economic plight by restructuring politics, helped a king rise to power and traveled through time to ultimately save the world from eminent obliteration- but he did it all in a couple weeks. After seeing what is possible really puts things into perspective and motivates me to do more for the world. HENCE the list of buckets. I think compiling one could be the best new years resolution that I can realistically achieve and therefore is the semi-greatest thing I will do besides all of the other semi-great things.
As for the semi-greatest thing I did this you think my blog will get offended if I don't say "created a blog"? I think it will survive if I don't. I think I would have to go with becoming an uncle. First time I've ever done something like that before. Congratulations me. It is awesome to reap all the benefits of having a nephew with none of the responsibility. Makes me wonder what this new year will bring, other than me scrambling to make a bucket list and do the things on it before the "world ends" and I have to make up new new years resolutions for 2013. Maybe then I can kill at least one dragon.
If thou hast any recommendations worthy of the bucket make them known unto me. Email me your thoughts that I may consider them.

Checks on a bucket list help us feel fulfilled. Each check mark whispers evidence of your uniqueness and accomplishments. Of course the year the world ends is not the only thing this week that has reminded me of my need for a bucket list, playing that Skyrim video game has yielded similar results. Not only has my character saved innocent people from being torched by dragons, become the leader of several mythical organizations, rescued villages from economic plight by restructuring politics, helped a king rise to power and traveled through time to ultimately save the world from eminent obliteration- but he did it all in a couple weeks. After seeing what is possible really puts things into perspective and motivates me to do more for the world. HENCE the list of buckets. I think compiling one could be the best new years resolution that I can realistically achieve and therefore is the semi-greatest thing I will do besides all of the other semi-great things.
As for the semi-greatest thing I did this you think my blog will get offended if I don't say "created a blog"? I think it will survive if I don't. I think I would have to go with becoming an uncle. First time I've ever done something like that before. Congratulations me. It is awesome to reap all the benefits of having a nephew with none of the responsibility. Makes me wonder what this new year will bring, other than me scrambling to make a bucket list and do the things on it before the "world ends" and I have to make up new new years resolutions for 2013. Maybe then I can kill at least one dragon.
If thou hast any recommendations worthy of the bucket make them known unto me. Email me your thoughts that I may consider them.
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