Here I go again assigning myself unneeded projects to work on when there is so much else that should be occupying my time instead. Considering the fact that last year I decided to make a big deal about 11-11-11 it didn't seem fair not to do the same thing this year. After all 12-12-12 is quite a bit more special. It is the last time that we will have a date like this for the rest of our lives. There will never be a 13-13-13 so if I was to let the day pass by without some sort of celebration I would never forgive myself. Why? Because I look for every opportunity to give myself a hard time. I guess I look like one of those people who deserve a good pummeling so I always need to be wary not to give myself an excuse. Maybe some day we'll reach an understanding but for now I always need to be looking over my shoulder knowing what an easy target I am for myself.
The problem is last year I had so much time on my hands to plan and pull off my shenanigans while this year it falls right in the middle of finals week. Dropped right in the thick of everything to get swallowed up and forgotten. Instead of overloading myself with a daunting list of 12 things in one day I decided the solution was to spread out my list over the next 12 days. I would knock out one thing a day leading up to Christmas and called this plan "The 12 days of Christmas". I hope you're not unimpressed with my lack of originality but, instead, find yourself applauding my realization of this phenomenal coincidence. Thank the fates for such wonderful timing.
For the first day I took my camera along and committed myself to take 12 pictures of things that made me happy. Here are the pictures I took.
First on the list: I like late night pow-wows with the roommates. This often leads to late nights and unpleasant mornings but they are always enjoyable when the happen. The other night we even stayed up because one of my roommate talked another one into getting a pinterest account and after having it for 10 minutes he decide he was going to make a pecan coffee cake at 1 in the morning. This sort of thing was not uncommon.
Second on the list: my couch. Staying up late inevitably leads to much needed mid-day naps. I've tried sleeping on couches in other peoples apartments so I know not to take mine for granted. It is surprisingly comfortable, so much that I sleep on it more than my bed. In fact one time when I came home from campus to catch some shut eye before my next class started I fell asleep on my couch wrapped in my big, blue blanket and had a dream that I woke up still wrapped in my blue blanket laying on a different couch in an apartment that I didn't recognize. A stranger was standing in the room staring at me and I could tell from his face that he was just as confused at my presence there as I was. After a short apology I set off to find my way back to my apartment and my couch. In the dream I never made it back to my apartment and I later woke up just as confused as I was when the dream started. Apparently I don't just miss my couch when I'm away from home but even while I'm sleeping on it.
Fourth: my calculus class. Not to me misleading, I have never liked math and it has never liked me, but there were somethings that made me happy about the class. First of all this was the last day I had to go before I was done with calculus forever. It would no longer torment my dreams and cause me useless stress that would never end up benefiting me in any way, shape, or form in the future. Secondly my teacher was hilarious. Only he could get away with calling his students dogs and hairballs and he actively encouraged lots of name calling in his class along with telling us fun stories from his past as a football couch. To make things better as I went to take a picture of him at 12:12 his phone went off and he answered it in the middle of class. I may just miss his antics.
Fifth: The ability to run. Again, don't get confused. I'm not one of those health nuts who gets depressed if they haven't ran their daily 20 mile route. I have, however, realized how nice it is to have the ability to run after wearing a surgical boot and limping around for months. The other day I was finally able to run sprints and it felt great. Not just because of endorphins and self gratification but also because now I know that if the end of the world really is here I will be able to effectively outrun any zombie hoard that decides to pursue me. I was lucky that there was no need to flee a situation with haste during this semester and now I can feel good about potential threats in the future.
Sixth: Eating out. Generally I'm so thrifty that it's somewhat depressing so when I find a good enough excuse to treat myself it is a good day. In this case it was an Arby's chicken, bacon and swiss with curly fries and a tall Dr. Pepper. Thank goodness for the holiday.
Seventh: Jamming to tunes in the car. Sometimes head phones just aren't enough. There are times that I need to be swimming it. Surrounded by a fast, loud cadence with a powerful bass that you can feel pulsating throughout your body. There aren't many things that make me happier.
Eighth: Free candy canes. They taste good and are a nice place to get a quick sugar fix in the middle of the day while your staving and can't go home yet. More than that it is also nice to know that when you are surrounded and your recently reattained ability to run proves useless you have something in your pocket that can be quickly crafted into a makeshift shank with nothing more than your tongue. Macgyver would be proud.
Ninth: the cinema. Especially the dollar theater. It may take a little longer for movies to get there but forking over two bucks to see a movie in a theater in well worth it. I love everything about movies and seeing them is always a fun experience for me.
Tenth: places like Sammy's. Not only do they have big burgers, sweet potato fries and pie shakes but half the place is completely dedicated to amateur artists performing their work on a stage. Open mike Monday through Thursday and touring, indy bands every weekend. Some of the bands can be hit and miss but listening to free music live while eating a burger is a tension reliever while at college.
Eleventh: Christmas lights are up. It is easy to enjoy seeing Christmas lights up everywhere. Everything looks bright and fun causing you to forget what ever was weighing down on you. It isn't Christmas without the neighborhood glowing in a variety of colors.
The first day was a bit bumpy but I'll report on my progress every once in a while throughout the next 12 days of Christmas. Hope you guys are doing something productive and fun as well.
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