Continuing my 12-12-12 celebration I did some basic things over the past couple days that don't take too much explaining so they're easy to shove together. Finishing up finals and traveling back home meant I had to get a little creative with what I could do.
DAY 2:
Most of this day was straight classes and Studying for tests. I did find a minute in between sessions to write something nice on 12 different people's Facebook walls just to let them know that I think they're awesome. I have a lot of wonderful friends and it felt good to say something nice about them. I don't do it enough.
DAY 3:
This day was interesting. I could say that I spent 12 hours taking tests (and I don't mean studying for tests, I mean actually taking them) but that didn't seem appropriate. Instead here is a list of twelve things about Christmas that makes it the best holiday.
The lights: I remember that back during my days delivering papers my late night/early morning voyages were more than bearable while I was holding a giant thermos of hot chocolate and surrounded by thousands of colorful lights.
The decorations: Other holidays have a couple of traditional decorations that my Mom will put out but every Christmas our house is turned upside down and transformed into a red and green holiday haven. Makes it easy to remember what season it is.
The atmosphere: Christmas Spirit is a term that's used a lot but there actually is a special feeling that Christmas brings that make people nicer and life brighter. Speculate what you will about why but to describe it as divine is not a stretch.
The time off: Other holidays are easier to work through but for the most part Christmas provides enough time off to let people travel or relax the way they can't the rest of the year. There are unfortunate exceptions but it is often better.
The family: With the added flexibility of a national holiday more family is able to visit. We don't see extended family a ton so that is always a bonus.
-The food: Obviously.
The smells: Somewhat related to food are the wonderful smells that fill the house when you have a Mom that loves to bake for people. Things perpetually smell like cinnamon and ginger and I love it.
The sales: If you aren't looking for merchandise that everyone else is looking for then it can be nice to play clean up around the holidays. Stores have some good deals.
The gifts: Not just receiving but giving. If you made a wise choice and the person you put that much thought into is thrilled with the gift you got for them the feeling that follows is priceless.
The weather: I've lived in Vegas all my life so that might explain why I like the winter. I don't have to shovel snow and a break from the brutal Nevada summers is fantastic.
The stories: Stories of Christmas miracles are easy ways to edify and recommit yourself to be better. They are inspiring and life changing.
The bad Christmas sweaters: Much like those Hawaiian shirts that tourists wear you wouldn't see a Christmas sweater any time other than Christmas. They are atrocious in the best way so I can't help but like them.
DAY 4:
Like I said previously I like Christmas stories. I had packing, cleaning and driving to do so I decided when I got to my friends apartment I would read 12 Christmas stories that I had never read before. Some were a little cheesy but I found a couple that I really liked. It wasn't hard to find them and its a nice thing to research.
DAY 5:
While I was still at my friends place we decided we would watch 12 Christmas specials from 12 different television shows. The shows were: Community, The Office, Parks and Rec, Psych, Big Bang Theory, 30 Rock, Modern Family, Arrested Development, Invader Zim, Myth Busters, Adventure Time and My Name is Earl. Not a bad list in my opinion.
DAY 6:
During the drive home I figured it would be simple enough to spell out '6th day of Christmas' using licence plate numbers that I came across along the way. It was harder than I thought but the drive was long enough to get it done. Made the drive seem a little quicker too.
DAY 7:
Today I thought I'd scour the internet
(look on Wikipedia) to find an awesome fact about the number 12. I discovered that in the body there are 12 cranial nerves. Number one is the Olfactory nerve which senses smell. Number two is the Optic nerve which processes sight. Third, fourth and fifth are called the Oculomotor, Trochlear and Abducens nerves, all of which control eye movements. The sixth is the Trigeminal nerve which has to do with sensations in the face. The Facial nerve obviously deals with facial expressions and also some taste. Eighth is both called the Acoustic or Vestibulocochlear nerve which deals with hearing and balance. Ninth is the Glossopharyngeal nerve which tastes and tenth which is the Vagus nerve controls voice, neck and the parasympathetic system. Number eleven is called the Accessory or spinal-accessory which is neck and arm support and last is the Hypoglossal nerve which deals with tongue movement, speech and swallowing. Interesting stuff right there.
So there's the update. It's tricky to come up with so many things when you're lazy. More to come if you're lucky.