That being said I hope you can understand why I blog about my strange dreams every once in a while. Here are some of the dreams I have been having recently and what I've decided the moral should be.
In the first one I was with a group of friends who collectively decided they wanted to go to the movies. We traveled down town and began to search for a movie theater and found one inside a large Borders Books (Right where a movie theater belongs- inside a bookstore). It was while we were picking a movie that we heard there were gorillas attacking people just a couple blocks away. While trying to come up with a feasible strategy to combat the gorillas I saw the Wrath of the Titans poster and came to the conclusion that the only way to defeat the gorillas was to learn how to throw lightning bolts. I set off to find Chemists who could help me learn how to accomplish this and found one who was more than happy to help. Unfortunately he thought it would be cooler to train me on top of a very tall building so we began to scale one and just before we made it to the top it was beginning to get dark. He said we couldn't train in the dark and we should try again tomorrow.
I woke up shortly afterwards leaving my dream world at the mercy of the gorilla infestation. I was quite annoyed. The moral of this story: Don't fill your time with trivialities that don't really help you deal with the problem (and that lightning is an obvious weakness of gorillas).

The dream continued with many wizard battles that thwarted all of my attempts at getting my hands on that caldo and my craving was never satisfied. The moral of the story: Obsession often leads to disappointment. I was so obsessed with having my bowl of soup that I couldn't enjoy killing death eaters in Spanish.
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