I made a list of 11 things that I wanted to accomplish before the day ended. Some productive and heartfelt and some otherwise.
1. First I wanted to hand out 11 salutations to the first people I ran into in the morning and then not say good morning to anyone else. First come first serve. Limited time offer.
2. I then wanted to ask 11 people (including cleverbot) what they were doing to celebrate such a holiday and potentially steal their ideas. Instead of getting good ideas I think I just made people feel uncomfortable about not having any. I'll take what I can get.
3. Slap five with 11 people. No ulterior motive here, I just enjoy high fives.
4. Check facebook 11 times to keep up with the festivities and to justify my facebook addiction.
5. Change my clothes 11 times throughout the day depending on what I was doing. Kept my roomies on their toes.
6. I required myself to take 11 pictures of 11 things. I'll include those pictures at the bottom, unless I forget.
7. Listen to one of 11 songs by Finger Eleven 11 minutes after the hour over the course of 11 hours. Where ever I was and whatever I was doing was to be awkwardly interrupted when the time came.
8. To balance the eventful with the uneventful I was to do 11 acts of service for people. Surprisingly many opportunities presented themselves.
9. At 11:00 in the morning I was to begin researching the number 11 on the internet and find 11 interesting facts.
The facts were: The 11th Apollo was the first manned spacecraft to land on the Moon.
The 11th moon of Jupiter is Himalia.
11 years is the approximate time of a sunspot cycle.
11 is the atomic number of sodium.
11 is the number of space-time dimensions in the M-theory.
11 elements appear in gaseous form at 25 degrees Celsius.
Ben-Hur (1959), Titanic (1997), and The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King(2003)have each won 11 Academy Awards.
There are 11 guns in the gun salute of a Marine Corps Brigadier General.
Armistice ended WWI on November 11th
11 is the number of points the Maple leaf on the Canadian flag contains.
In the 1st Kings, the 11th book of the Bible, chapter 11 and verse 11 God curses Solomon for his disobedience and promises the kingdom to David.
10. I would then post these facts on the facebook event "11/11/11 a day to remember" at 11:00 at night to prove to the world that I was being festive.
11. Anything I ate I was to eat 11 of them, no exceptions. This included a large order from taco bell. I still feel like garbage but without regrets--content garbage.After making my wish and finishing everything on my list I felt like the day had been a success. Even without receiving a grand epiphany through my efforts i did learn some things that I like. First is that crossing things off of a to do list is nice but to add to it having cworky, unnecessary things on that list helps put you out there and yield added joy on top of the normal to do list. The day is more eventful and fun. And lastly I learned that I'm glad I don't have intense OCD. Keeping track of numbers is exhausting.
I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.
That sounds like the most awesome day ever