With books the advantage is length not amount of content. The phrase 'a picture is worth a thousand words' holds true if you have the right camera man. Both can end up being a carefully composed masterpiece but one certainly requires a lot more effort.
-A book doesn't require a massive team of costume designers, makeup artists and architects to fabricate a world we can see with our eyes.
-A book doesn't dedicate months to creating special and visual effects to mystify its spectators.
-A book doesn't have entertainers we come to know and love who's job it is to deliver emotional performances that bring the story to life.
-A book isn't as artistic in creating the perfect lighting, position and pacing to make things surreal but believable.
-A book is built to offer us a personal experience we enjoy privately while a movie is meant to be experienced socially. We can share the discovery of the plot with our friends and peers in the moment.
Movies have so much to offer and its a world that will always intrigue me. To me anybody who thinks that a book is better than a movie has only ever watched Nicolas Cage films, and I'll never understand why anyone would ever do that to themselves.