My off track semester as always has forced me to hunt for a job to feed the seemingly endless hunger pains of the beast that is college tuition. The hunt ended quickly when I easily landed an interview for a mystery job three weeks ago. I should put the word interview in quotes considering it consisted of him briefly telling me what the job was and handing me documents to read and sign. (No worries, I actually read them).
We then immediately began training for the job. It is a tax preparation position and is a job that only pays by commission. This has lead to some somewhat undesirable circumstances when one notices that the public has yet to receive their W2 or 1099 forms. This translates into several weeks of reviewing the tax preparation process and a lot of pacing from one side of the room to the other. In my personal situation I was one of the first to apply for the job so I have the 'most experience' and am expected to explain my way through questions that I don't completely know the answers to, work noon to nine six days a week, close up the office every night and train new recruits all the while not earning a dime. I promise my being appointed as the boss's number two is because of my seniority and has nothing to do with the fact that I'm the only white guy in the office. It certainly doesn't help stereotypes though. What can you do.
Just today I was called in to discuss the companies plans to potentially put me in charge of one of the new office locations opening up next year. Its amazing how fast I have been able to climb the corporate ladder without once having to do my actual job. In my mind this can only mean one of two things. Either I have the impressive demeanor of a reliable and trustworthy guy or my easy-going nature and obliviousness makes me the perfect scapegoat when illegal activities come to light. I'm not sure whether to be flattered or paranoid.
All in all I feel weird putting on a tie and going into the office every day and not having any bacon to bring home (I love bacon). I'm just holding onto the promise that the payoff will be worthwhile. All of that aside working in an office like this is an interesting shift away from the dirty jobs that I'm used to. I actually have to get to know my coworkers and, like, talk to them and stuff. And lets face it, as hard as I wished for it to some small degree reflect television's 'The Office' on NBC it sadly doesn't. WHERES MY DWIGHT SCHRUTE! I wouldn't mind a Pam Beasley either.
Just another painful reminder that my life is not and never will be a sitcom- and with no bacon to cheer me up as well.